
Kubes Steel is a supplier to the energy market, primarily as a rolling and bending service provider and also as a provider of custom metal fabrication.  Our methods include induction bendingpyramid rolling, and plate rolling.  Contact us to start your personalized quote on your energy project.

The Kubes Difference!

Our rolling and bending service centres house a variety of advanced manufacturing technology that allow us to roll, bend and form to specific customer requirements as one offs or as production runs. Contact us to start your personalized quote.

Check out some examples of some recent Energy Market projects we’ve worked on:

Kubes Steel is custom fabricating these leading and trailing edges for Stay Vanes out of carbon steel. Used in hydro power generation, these vanes assist to optimize the water flow and reduce turbulance for turbines. The smaller trailing vanes are multipiece construction; 2 pieces are welded together and then machined down. Each part has been custom made…

Service Category:
Project Date:
Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Kubes Steel is your one stop shop for custom fabrication. Here we’re working on another large scale fabrication job. These curved steel plates have had bracing and flanges installed after rolling.

Kubes Steel turned flat plate steel into these tower halves using our brake presses and plate roller. The halves will be assembled on site by the customer.

Project Date:
Friday, July 12, 2019

These heavy steel frames will be used to hold customizable modular components. Kubes Steel performed the fabrication and welding services and we deliver the completed frames directly to the job site.

Project Date:
Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Kubes was selected as the fabricator to make these towers for electrical transmission lines. Each half is formed on our newest brake press and then welded together before shipping out to the installation site. Here, our operators are forming one of the halves and we can see a completed half as well.

Project Date:
Tuesday, March 5, 2019

A large, long section of tube for a pipeline gets bent using the induction bending method at the Kubes Steel rolling and bending shop.

Project Address
Kubes Steel Rolling and Bending Shop
930 Arvin Ave
Stoney Creek, ON L8E5Y8
Project Date:
Tuesday, September 15, 2015

A section of steel pipe gets bent on the Kubes Steel induction bender.

Project Address
Kubes Steel Rolling & Bending Shop
930 Arvin Ave
Stoney Creek, ON L8E5Y8
Project Date:
Monday, July 20, 2015

Rolled tubing for an oil and gas pipeline shipping out from the Kubes Steel rolling and bending shop.

Project Address
Kubes Steel Rolling & Bending Shop
930 Arvin Ave
Stoney Creek, ON L8E 5Y8
Project Date:
Wednesday, August 23, 2006

A thick section of pipe gets bent at the Kubes Steel rolling and bending shop.

Project Date:
Tuesday, July 25, 2006

A large, heavy steel fabrication project gets shipped out from Kubes Steel.

Project Address
Kubes Steel - Jones Road
323 Jones Rd.
Stoney Creek, ON L8E5N2
Project Date:
Monday, January 11, 1993