Rolling - Forming - Bending

Kubes Steel offers the most comprehensive range of technology, equipment and capacity to roll, form and bend steel sectionstubingpipechannelangle and HSS in North America.  Rolling, Forming & Bending is what we are known for and what we do best.  Explore our work below or Contact Us today to start your quote.

North America’s Service Centre for Rolling, Steel Bending & Forming.

  • Structural – Section Rolling & Bending

  • Plate Rolling

  • Rotary Draw Bending

  • Induction Bending

  • Brake Press

  • Stretch Forming

Why Kubes?


The technology used by Kubes to roll, form and bend metal is among the most advanced of its’ kind in the world. Through research and development and global intellectual partnerships, we have developed techniques and tooling to virtually eliminate distortion in most curved and bent sections. Our technologies include 3 and 4 roll pyramid rolling, draw bending, mandrel rolling and bending, conventional and progressive brake bending and stretch bending and forming.


Kubes is the largest provider of structural and section rolling services in Canada. Our capacity ranges from North America’s smallest and most accurate to structural sections up to 40″ in depth and tubular products such as pipe up to 42″ in diameter. Any order, any size; we treat every application with the same critical importance. Kubes products and services have been incorporated in many of North America’s most impressive projects.


Kubes Steel is certified to the ISO 9001-2015 standard. Each component of every order is individually signed off on by the operator. We aspire to build quality as part of our corporate culture.


At Kubes “Where Service is  Still Personal” is more than just a slogan.  During normal business hours, a live person will answer the phone. We have our own truck fleet to offer the quickest possible delivery.  We know our customers have choices and we want them to choose us.

Rolling, Forming & Bending Projects:

Pipe that was bent and fabricated by Kubes Steel made it into the award winning CES Display for Intel in 2008.

Project Address
Las Vegas Convention Centre
3150 Paradise Rd
Las Vegas, NV 89109
United States
Project Date:
Sunday, January 6, 2008

A large section of steel channel gets rolled toe out at the Kubes Steel rolling and bending shop.

Project Date:
Friday, January 4, 2008

Section of angle gets rolled at Kubes Steel, leg out.

Project Date:
Monday, December 31, 2007

The requirments of this commercial curtain wall support job had us using the Roundo R13 to roll HSS the easy way.

Project Date:
Tuesday, November 27, 2007

This monorail project required a structural steel beam to be bent multiple times into a complex shape.

Project Date:
Friday, November 2, 2007

A section of steel channel getting rolled toe out to a tight radius at the Kubes Steel rolling and bending shop.

Project Date:
Friday, November 2, 2007

Rolled tubing for an oil and gas pipeline shipping out from the Kubes Steel rolling and bending shop.

Project Address
Kubes Steel Rolling & Bending Shop
930 Arvin Ave
Stoney Creek, ON L8E 5Y8
Project Date:
Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Brake press forming steel angle at Kubes Steel.

Project Address
Kubes Steel - Rolling & Bending Shop
930 Arvin Ave.
Stoney Creek, ON L8E5Y8
Project Date:
Tuesday, July 25, 2006

A thick section of pipe gets bent at the Kubes Steel rolling and bending shop.

Project Date:
Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Stacks of rolled channel at the Kubes Steel rolling and bending shop.

Project Date:
Thursday, July 13, 2006